Sarah Cooks: Chocolate Malteaser Cake

Chocolate Malteaser Cake

1/23/2005 11:05:00 PM

My first cake from Nigella's "Chocolate Cake Hall of Fame" chapter in Feast.

The Chocolate Malteaser Cake comprises two chocolate malt cakes, sandwiched together with a chocolate malt butter cream... It is malty (thanks to the addition of Horlicks), very light (thanks to the addition of baking powder and bicarb), and thus, very easy to eat.

The Cake.

Chocolate-Malteaser Cake with recipe in the background and extra Malteasers

I made it this afternoon whilst making dinner. It's very easy to make, but it seemed to be quite a thin and wet batter - thankfully the 1 inch of cake mix in each tin ended up rising into proper cake thickness! Also, the recipe makes JUST enough icing to cover the cake - so you really can't eat any whilst you make it, unfortunately. I studded extra malteasers between the two cakes to fill in the gaps.

It was really nice, but I think that my favourite chocolate cake is still the Chocolate Fudge Cake from Nigella Bites. This lighter, fluffier, malty cake was nice however, for a change.

President of Duffman Corporation: Mmm... extra malty. Not that he'll ever know!

We shared it with Liam M (he of the quote at the top of my blog) and Timmy K. Nigella says "8-10 slices", which must mean "8-10 huge mamma slices" because we had 1 slice each and ate just half the cake (6 slices in total). I had mine with a nice refreshing glass of cold milk.

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  1. Anonymous3:59 AM

    it was a great cake really yummy and enjoyable. great aftera meal.



My email address is sarahcooks [at] hotmail [dot] com.