Sarah Cooks: More Living Kitchen Products have arrived!

More Living Kitchen Products have arrived!

2/10/2005 11:35:00 PM

On Monday, I received in the mail two more Nigella Lawson's Living Kitchen products from Peters of Kensington - the cookie cutters and another 3 litre storage jar, this time in white.

I can't wait to use the cookie cutters. Making cookies (duh), decorating birthday cakes and so on. I could even write dirty words with them! Ooer! I've heard reports though that they're difficult to use... I'll just have to wait and see.

And in my mad rush of pre-Chinese New Year baking, I made lots of cereal. For general good luck and in the hope of prosperity throughout the year, I felt it was a good idea to keep all our jars (rice, cereal, fruit bowls etc) full to the brim. Luckily the white storage jar arrived before New Year so I could fill it!

Regular Granola in the left, Choc Granola in the right

They just look so cute sitting together!

Other Living Kitchen products posts:
My latest living kitchen acquisitions
Me and my salt pig

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My email address is sarahcooks [at] hotmail [dot] com.