Sarah Cooks: Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!

5/11/2008 01:26:00 PM

A Very Special Mother's Day Breakfast

Soft-boiled eggs with toast soldiers (white high-tin or organic spelt)
Rhubarb compote, Greek yoghurt, crunchy granola, passionfruit

Happy mother's day to all mums out there! You'll notice that the breakfast I chose to make for my mum today doesn't seem particularly exciting - no pancakes, no muffins, no bacon, no pastries. I've been trying to make sure we all eat healthier lately, and I'm doing my best to disassociate "special treat" from "calorie-laden heart-attack bomb". It took me days to think of something to cook that would be a treat, yet still quite healthy. The most important thing is that we all had breakfast on mother's day together!

My brother bought this sunny bunch of flowers for mum! On the table, there is also rhubarb compote, boiled eggs in an appropriately egg-shaped bowl, and mum's egg-cup and saucer.

Fresh fruits are sitting atop the wonderful wooden board my mum made recently. On the right is a small bowl of Jill Dupleix's crunchy granola, for yummy fibre and crunch.

I think it's lovely when the kitchen table is full!

Mum, Dad and I had our eggs in egg cups (see my Bart Simpson one, at the top of this post!), but my bro had his Malaysian style - cracked into a bowl with pepper and soy sauce. We always used to eat eggs like this for breakfast when we were kids.

Mmm... creamy creamy yoghurt. The rhubarb compote is quite sweet, but the yoghurt is bland and tangy, and the passionfruit is tart. A good combination.

Happy Mother's Day, Mum!

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  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Hey Sarah...

    After meeting EG, he has taught me to eat my eggs "Singaporean-style", which is the same as your Malaysian style.

    We have it at least once a week, with kaya toast :-)

  2. Omg! He is certainly teaching you well. I love kaya toast. And the fact that you call it "kaya toast" instead of "toast with kaya"!! You rock.

    xox Sarah

  3. Anonymous6:55 PM

    hi Sarah,

    what a lovely surprise, surprise indeed - I must say!! What a lovely
    Mother's Day Breakfast especially the rhubarb compote with the Greek Yoghurt!! Yummy !!

    Love Mum

  4. You did well to put together a varied and tasty breakfast that was also nutritious!

    Michael and I had the hilarious realisation this week that although we've been keen cooks for years and also run a food blog, neither of us knew how to soft-boil an egg. :-D

  5. What a lovely spread you put for your Mum Sarah! It all looks so deliciously healthy.
    Happy Mothers day for your Mum!

  6. What a good daughter you are =) A lovely groaning kitchen table full of good things for your Mum.


  7. Happy Mother's Day! The breakfast looks fab and your family is the best!

  8. Aw, that looks gorgeous! (only sent a text message myself *oops*) Love the eggs in the egg shaped LK bowl, and that passionfruit looks fab - can practically taste it from here!

    Laura x

  9. I love your healthy brekkie! Rhubarb is in season here right now, what a good idea!

    I bet your mum was happy!

    I know people in Germany who have their breakfast eggs with Maggi Würze, the German soy sauce ersatz (in those quaint brown glass bottles!).



My email address is sarahcooks [at] hotmail [dot] com.