Sarah Cooks: Pizza Brötchen or "How to make a quick and tasty supper"

Pizza Brötchen or "How to make a quick and tasty supper"

7/12/2007 10:02:00 PM

Pizza Brötchen, (literally pizza bread rolls) is a German thing. Not traditionally German, obviously. The inspiration appears to be Italian, of course, but these tasty little Brötchen are so far removed from the original incarnation of pizza that we can rightfully call them German.

Like vegemite on toast, or ham and cheese jaffles, Pizza Brötchen is a bit of a family tradition. I'm told that German Mammas make them to fill up their kleine Kinder after school, to feed kids at parties, or just as a satisfying snack. They consist of half a ciabatta roll, topped with a sour cream-ham-salami-mushroom-spice mixture, topped with cheese and grilled. It sounded a bit odd, but I was told it was delicious, so I very much wanted to try them.

Here are the ciabatta rolls. The most fabulous ciabatta rolls come from Chimmy's bakery, and I am obsessed with their delicious sour taste, chewy exterior and expensive-looking interior holes.

And here is the filling! Sour cream, mixed with chopped mushrooms, ham, salami, grated cheese, paprika and pizza spice. You can put whatever you want in the mixture, (e.g. other meats, vegies etc.) but the cheese and spices are essential. Looks kinda odd, huh?
Then it is simply a matter of slapping the sour cream mixture onto the halved ciabatta, topping with more grated cheese, and putting it in the oven at 180C for about 15 minutes until hot, bubbling and delicious. A tip! If you have very hard ciabatta bread, freeze it, add the topping and bake whilst still frozen. That will prevent the bread from burning or turning rock hard. I can't say they're the healthiest snack option for kids, but I suppose they'd be ok if you used low fat cheese and sour cream, and put some veggies in there.

Yummy yummy!

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  1. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Ah, looks like a Friday night at home! hehe :D

  2. Your blog has become a favorite hangout :) You come up with some good ideas. These look yummy, but I will have to replace the ciabatta rolls with bolillo rolls.

  3. That looks so good!

  4. Anonymous6:46 AM

    How fun to find this recipe. While in Germany and staying with German friends recently we were served pizza brotchen for a family dinner in front of the TV. They were on traditional brotchen, however, but since those are hard to find here, I think I'll try ciabatta rolls as in your recipe. Thanks. Guten Appetit.



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