Sarah Cooks: Cannoli... and some news!

Cannoli... and some news!

8/01/2008 09:28:00 PM

Check out that cannoli! I had it yesterday for breakfast at Setto Belle, corner Hardware lane and Lt Bourke st. (I've previously waxed lyrical about my visit to the cafe here.) The chocolate cannoli was filled with ricotta cream and studded with dark chocolate pieces. Wowza! I'll definitely be back soon to try out their savouries and other cakes.

So, onto the "news" part of the post. Guess what? I've just got a job! Finally! I mean a real, grown-up, full-time job that's related to my degree. I'll have to wear a suit, carry a briefcase and order my skinny-latte-no-sugar-thanks from busy city cafés. I am sooo excited! No more school, no more retail, no more hospitality, no more working on weekends! I'll be able to go to markets! Take weekend trips! Sleep in!

I've got a few weeks free before I start, so I'll be using that time to cook as much as I can, and I'll finally blog all these food photos and drafts that I seem to have accumulated over the past few months. Yay!

xox Sarah

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  1. Anonymous11:48 PM

    How fantasmariffic! Congratulations, Sarah. Big changes in the air, but i'm sure all your readers hope it won't keep you from sharing your food love.

  2. Congratulations Sarah!! That's such exciting news - best of luck in the new gig.

    Hmm ... I need to get my hands on that canoli - grrr!

  3. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Congrats on the new job!

  4. A new job - congratulations! I hope it's the challenging and fulfilling one you've been looking for. :-)

  5. Congrats :) hope you get an awesome briefcase. And that cannoli looks stunning!

  6. Congrats Sarah. It sounds like your new job is going to bring you even closer to more delicious food that you can blog about. I'll wait to read all your adventures in food.

  7. Congratulations on the new job. Hope it still leaves you lots of cooking and blogging time!

    Gemma x

  8. Félicitations Sarah!! That's fantastic! Fingers crossed :-)



My email address is sarahcooks [at] hotmail [dot] com.