Sarah Cooks: Updaaaaate!


1/19/2009 08:11:00 PM

Hello All!!

I do apologise for the lack of posts recently - not only has the start of the year has been unfathomably busy, but my internet has, once again, been capped. ARGH!! We've just upgraded to a faster package, but this will take some time to be effective.

So, a belated Happy New Year to all my lovely readers. Here is an update of what I've been up to, and what is to come for 2009.

1. Wrote a review of Venezia for The Gastronomer's Bookshelf. This website, Duncan's baby, is a collaborative website for informed food lovers to share their opinions of the latest cookbooks. Anyone interested in reviewing, sign up now!

2. Embarked on THE BOX HILL CHALLENGE! We have decided to test the limits of human endurance (and our waistbands) by trying every single Asian restaurant in the Station St area of Box Hill (La Porchetta does not count). We've already tried about 4 new ones... posts will be coming soon.

3. Enjoyed some yummy POM Wonderful pomegranate juice that I was sent as a sample a few weeks back. I've tried it in a couple of recipes, but have found it's best enjoyed mixed with soda water as a refreshing summertime drink.

4. Spent an enjoyable weekend in Canberra, basically just eating for 3 days straight.

5. Planned the next Blogger's BBQ with Thanh and Duncan. It's gonna be on Saturday 7th Feb @ Batman park. Click here for more details, or here to RSVP at the motherpost.

Photos and blogs of all these, and more, coming as soon as my internet is back!

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  1. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Hey Sarah
    Thanks for the link to the cookbook review site what a great site. Its good to be able to read reviews done from the prespective of the home cook really usefull comments such as how much repeated material from previous books is a great help when deciding which book is worthy of spending money on. A really good site



My email address is sarahcooks [at] hotmail [dot] com.