Sarah Cooks: Tutto Bene, again again

Tutto Bene, again again

2/26/2009 08:34:00 PM

Before seeing Wicked for the 2nd time, we went to Tutto Bene for the millionth time. I love their fantastic risotti and their consistently good service.

Tutto Bene
Mid Level Southgate
Melbourne 3006
Ph: (03) 9696-3334

The risotto you see in the first picture was a special they had - Coopers Sparkling Ale flavoured risotto topped with scampi. I ordered this because I was intrigued by the idea of a beer-flavoured risotto... and because I've already had all the other ones on the menu already. Shhh...

The risotto was quite creamy, with a slightly bitter edge from the beer, and the scampi were amazingly fresh and perfectly cooked. From memory it was about $28. I loved it!

Insalata caprese - Slices of tomato, basil and mozzarella pearls extra virgin olive oil and balsamic - $13

Funghi Misti - Mixed wild mushroom, parmigiano and aromatic herbs - $22

As expected, everything was fantastic. And even better when washed down with some prosecco. We were in and out in 1 hour, and then up the road for some fabulous gravity-defying musical spectacularity...

Tutto Bene on Urbanspoon

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  1. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Ooh..I suddenly have a craving for risotto!

    I haven't been to Tutto Bene in ages! Thanks for reminding me

  2. I must try Tutto Bene soon. It's been on my list for so long. That Scampi Risotto looks fantastic.



My email address is sarahcooks [at] hotmail [dot] com.