Sarah Cooks: 1/1/10 - 2/1/10

Tutto Bene

1/30/2010 10:10:00 PM
Tutto Bene is still one of my favourite restaurants. After many years and many visits, they still produce reliably delicious Italian food, at a reasonable price and with good service. We visited on Australia Day Eve, for a relaxed and casual dinner before seeing Nine (which was horribly painful to watch, but at least we were full and...

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Happy Australia Day!!

1/26/2010 06:49:00 PM
Check out this beautiful pavlova that my niece made! I love how the strawberries are piled up majestically on top. What a great way to spend Australia day. As I'm sure almost all of the country did, we had a BBQ today to celebrate.We kept it very simple, with 3 meats - Frikadellen, cevapcici and sausages. Cevapcici are...

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Random Cafe Happenings

1/22/2010 11:17:00 PM
Pretty much every time I go out to eat, the little Canon IXUS is whipped out and photos are duly taken. Whether or not these pictures actually make it to the blog is another matter entirely... (I know, bad blogger!!) With that in mind, I would like to share with you some different foodie-ventures from the end of...

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1/19/2010 12:30:00 PM
Frikadellen mit Schafskäsefüllung, Kartoffelbrei, jungen Erbsen und MöhrenOr rissoles filled with feta, mashed potatoes, peas and carrots. Somehow it sounds a lot more inviting in German! Even though it's the closest translation, I am actually loath to refer to these delicious meat-and-feta-patties-of-deliciousness as "rissoles". The word "rissole" always makes me think of those burnt and tasteless balls of...

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Giorgio Locatelli


1/18/2010 08:44:00 PM
Mushroom PizzaPizza is fun to make! I love making yeasty doughs, and you also get to choose any flavour combo you like. It's hard to get them just as crispy as the professionals do, but if you've got an oven that can get really really hot you'll still have something delicious on your hands.We had one of my...

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Passionfruit, Mango and Mascarpone Trifle

1/15/2010 04:00:00 PM
You may remember the dessert I served at our annual post-Christmas BBQ spectacular - a big, summery bowl of cake and cream and mango and passionfruit. I'd been wanting to make something along those lines for ages, thanks to a loaf of passionfruit cake I had in my freezer. My local bakery occasionally makes these delicious passionfruit loaf...

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My email address is sarahcooks [at] hotmail [dot] com.