

9/28/2014 02:08:00 PM

A little while ago, the owners of LBSS Cafe invited me to try out a meal, on them. The menu online looked interesting and a bit of fun, and I love any excuse for brunch, so I was definitely in! 

385 Victoria Street
Abbotsford, VIC 3067
Ph: (03) 9427-8818
Little Big Sugar Salt - LBSS Cafe on Urbanspoon

LBSS (which stands for "Little Big Sugar Salt") is located in the heart of Vietnamese town, on Victoria St - the hipster cafe certainly stands out amongst all the pho joints and Asian grocers! The building looks like it used to be a house, with lots of individual rooms, mismatched tables, funky artwork on the walls, and even a selfie station in the bathroom.


Cutlery station

I would describe the menu as trendy but not taking itself too seriously - the drinks menu includes hipster staples like almond / soy milk coffees, coconut water and kombucha, whilst the food menu includes lots of gluten free, dairy free and vegetarian options, with a healthy selection of "superfoods" like açaí and quinoa thrown through. But also bacon. Lots of bacon.

Drinks menu

Almond milk latte - $4.30

I thought the visit would be a good opportunity to try an almond milk latte, something I hadn't ever had before. I can't say I was a huge fan, finding it a bit grainy and thin. I don't think this is because there was anything wrong with the almond milk itself - I believe they make the almond milk themselves! - but simply because almond milk-based coffees aren't to my taste. (I quite like Bonsoy, especially in a hot chocolate, but other than that it's always full-cream dairy milk in hot drinks for me!) Having said that, next time I'd be keen to try their hot chocolate with almond milk, dates and cacao, as the flavour combination sounds nice.

Scram + ham - with bun + relish - $11

Sandra ordered the "Scram + Ham": a lightly toasted brioche bun with tomato relish, crispy bacon and scrambled eggs. Simple but perfect.

I was severely tempted to get the Ron Swanson, and not just because I ADORE Ron Swanson! LBSS's namesake dish is a triple-decker croque monsieur, "a veritable bacon-wallet of Gruyère, bechemel + slow-roasted pork hock + egg". Sounds amazing, am I right? However, I don't think any number of squats or sled-pushes could undo the calorific damage of all that cheese, bacon and bread! Instead, I went for something a little healthier, but still decadent: the "Freekakes": freekah, sweet potato and currant cakes with cashew cream, chilli jam, wilted kale and eggs. I added extra ocean trout gravlax too.

Freekakes - Freekeh, sweet potato & currant cakes with cashew cream, chilli jam, wilted kale and eggs - $17
With extra ocean trout gravalax - $6

I really enjoyed this dish - the freekeh cakes were slightly crisp on the outside and nice and soft on the inside, and the gravalax wasn't overly salty, with a pleasntly soft texture. I wasn't entirely convinced by the slightly grainy cashew cream - I'd have preferred a plain yogurt, but obviously I'm sure those in the dairy-free brigade would appreciate it. It was a generous serve too - even without the added gravalax, this is a seriously hearty and filling dish!

We enjoyed our meal here so much that we tried to bring my mum here for her birthday lunch a couple of months later, but it seems that it's gotten really popular - the cafe was packed and the queues were nuts! Unfortunately we didn't have time to wait, but I'm still looking forward to going back at hopefully a less peak time and trying more from the menu.

Sarah and Sandra ate lunch as guests of LBSS Cafe.

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  1. Hehe this sounds like how I eat. Mostly healthy but with lots of bacon! :P

  2. You had me at triple decker croque monsieur - must go check it out!

  3. Oooh, I would totally order the Ron Swanson. Go hard or go home right?!

  4. It took me quite a while before I finally visited LBSS. Have no idea why I kept postponing a brunch date there coz I loved every bit of it! I had the glutenfreekakes too and how good was it! The Ron Swanson is on my eat-list, and so too, is the acai granola.
