Shortbread Good morning and a hearty hello to you! As I mentioned in my most recent post, Christmas preparations are in full swing! Before last week, we didn't really have much in the way of Christmas plans, but last Sunday was the first advent, and we suddenly felt like we had to do something to get in the...
View from South Wharf Well, hello there! Can you believe it's nearly December already? This year has just flown by! In my house, Christmas preparations are in full swing. And even though it's only feeling tentatively summery right now, I've noticed a lot more events popping up - both social and blog-related. I guess we're all slowly coming...
Wilsons Prom Back in August we took a little winter getaway to Wilsons Prom. Unlike our usual weekends away, this wasn't just food focussed - it was mainly relaxation with some nice walks thrown in. It's a really beautiful part of the world, and I'm so glad we finally visited! It's a long drive from Melbourne to Wilsons...
*** Edit: (18-Nov-2016) The Bon Fromage Cheese festival has been postponed and won't be on this weekend! Sadface! See European Cheese's Instagram for more details. Hopefully they'll be back next year so we can enjoy the cheesy goodness! *** Bon Fromage For all you cheese lovers out there, the Bon Fromage festival of cheese is being held this weekend in...